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Cord Blood Stem Cell

  • Monday, November 5, 2012
  • Labels: ,
  • Some things in life are extraordinarily important. Saving a life or possibly saving your baby's life is definitely one of those things. That is why you simply must look into the idea of saving your baby's umbilical cord blood. C'elle is a cord blood bank that can help you preserve the health of your baby and possibly save many lives. Cord blood stem cells are used in many transplants and are used to treat 75 terrible diseases including leukemia and sickle cell anemia. I found information online about stem cell. I also learned that research indicates that menstrual stem cells have the potential to treat diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. If you are pregnant and wondering about how you will be able to protect your baby, then I encourage you to try out the C'elle website. You will hear from other mothers who banked their baby's umbilical cord blood their and are very thankful today. In some cases, they saved the lives of their family members. You will also read about new research that is happening and you will have all of your concerns put to rest. After reading some of the information at their website, I honestly think that banking my baby's cord blood with them would be in our family's best interest.


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